Flying with 4 kids and a Cat, Mexico Entry Requirements
September 15 2021 We had decided almost a year ago that vaccine passports were our LINE. I had asked Jeff, “at what point is it too...
September 15 2021 We had decided almost a year ago that vaccine passports were our LINE. I had asked Jeff, “at what point is it too...
For a friend of mine who was asking, but hey we all need to tweak our squat stance from time to time 😁
Ezekiel 28:17, “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor.” Lucifer...
From: In my teaching, I prepare undergraduate students to become high...
I haven't written any letters in a while. The whole narrative has just gotten so out of hand, we had to focus on removing our family from...
Please find below the official AHS website, where they update their occupancy in the emergency department and the acute care department...
I just wanted to repost the following because it’s a nice little summary of why these vacc!ne p@sports accomplish absolutely nothing...
Make sure you don’t endanger the people that are protected!!!! Seriously?! By the way, this is the same guy claiming a woman’s “right to... Dear Mr Kenney, We almost believed you guys when you said you’d treat Covid as the flu, endemic, something to just...
Hello, Your discrimination on the basis of medical (non-FDA approved brand new injections) status is INSANE. You’re a HUMAN RIGHTS...
..It is after all the reason you have everything you do.
Posting Arnold memes may be a little cliche BUT I've always loved this idea. I thought of it myself but didn't know how to explain it as... Hello, PLEASE do not require any kind of vaccine passport to travel. If our...
I’ve been absolutely bingeing on THIS podcast the past few days:
"Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing someone to change their tribe. If they abandon their...
This is many people’s argument on why getting the vaccine is no big deal... “Yes, I keep hearing all the antivax news, I read it, but I... Hello, I’m a little surprised that in the middle of a so-called pandemic we can spare 5+ emergency vehicles including...
Almost all the troubles in the Bible were caused by bad kings, rulers, and authorities. The way God instructed his people to deal with...